Sunday, 14 July 2013

Education Management

Education Management
Education System in Bangladesh is being managed and administered by two Ministries, Ministry of Education (MoE) and Ministry of Primary and Mass Education Division in association with the attached Departments and Directorates as well as a number of autonomous bodies.

Ministry of Education
This Ministry is concerned with policy formulation, planning, monitoring, evaluation and execution of plans and programs related to post primary secondary and higher education including technical & madrasha education. The line directorates, viz.. Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education and Directorate of Technical Education are responsible for management and supervision of institutions under their respective control.

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE)
This Directorate is headed by a Director-General who is responsible for administration, management and control of post primary secondary and higher education including madrasha and other special types of education. It is assisted by sub-ordinate Offices located at the division and district levels with project offices at upazilas.

The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE)
This Directorate is headed by a Director-General and is responsible for the management and administration of technical & vocational institutions like polytechnics, monotechnics and other similar types of institutes. It has Inspectorate Offices at the Divisional Headquarters.

Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO (BNCU)
This organization functions as a corporate body within the MoE. This is headed by the Minister of Education as Chairman and the Education Secretary as the Secretary-General. The Commission consists of 69 members constituted by eminent educationists and intellectuals interested in educational, scientific and cultural fields of the country. The Secretariat of the Commission is normally headed by a government official designated as Secretary.

Chief Accounts Office (CAO)
In pursuance of the Government policy of decentralization the accounting function of the MoE is done by a separate accounts office under a Chief Accounts Officer (C.A.O).
In addition, the following Staff Departments/Professional Bodies of the MoE perform specialized functions assigned to them:
(i) National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM)
This Academy is the apex training institution under the MoE responsible for providing foundation training to BCS (general education) cadre officers. it also provides in-service training to senior educational administrators and teachers of the secondary and higher secondary levels. This academy is headed by a Director General.
(ii) National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB)
This Board is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Education (MoE). It is responsible for the development of curriculum, production and distribution of textbooks at primary, secondary and higher secondary levels.
(iii) Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)
This organization is responsible for collection, compilation and dissemination of educational information and statistics at various levels and types of education. This organization is the main organ of the MoE responsible for collection and publication of educational data and statistics. It also functions as the Educational Management Information System (EMIS) of the Ministry. It is also the National Coordinator of RINSACA (Regional Informatics for South & Central Asia).
(iv) Directorate of Inspection and Audit (DIA)
This Directorate is headed by a Director and is responsible for inspection and audit aimed at improving the standard of education of the Non-governmental institutions at the secondary level.
Further-more, a number of autonomous bodies have a share in the administration of education. These are :
(i) University Grants Commission (UGC)
The University Grants Commission is responsible for supervision of the public and private universities and allocation of government grants to them.
(ii) National University
This is a public affiliating university responsible for academic control of all the affiliated colleges offering courses in Graduate level Pass, Honours and Masters and for conducting Bachelor Degree and Masters examinations.
(iii) Education Boards
Seven Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education are responsible for conducting the public examinations such as Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate level public examinations. The Boards are also responsible for the recognization of the Non-government and private sector educational institution.
(iv) Madrasha Education Board
This Board is responsible for conducting public examinations from Dakhil to Kamil levels.The Boards are also responsible for the recognization of the Non-government madrashas.
(v) Technical Education Board
This Board is entrusted with the task of conducting certificate and diploma examinations in technical education. The Boards are also responsible for the recognization of the Non-government technical and vocational educational institutions.
(vi) Non-Governmental Teachers' Registration & Certification Authority (NTRCA)
The NTRCA has been established in February 2005 with the mandate to conduct examination for the registration of successful candidates who would be eligible for appointment in the non-government educational institutions. The NTRCA has been created by the government with the objective of improving the teaching quality of the non-government secondary, graduate and post graduate level teachers excluding public and private universities.

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